On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 10:30 PM, Peter Saint-Andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been receiving more inquiries about using XMPP for enterprise
>  messaging, along the lines of JMS, Tibco, webMethods, and the like. I
>  wonder if a GSoC project for a gateway between JMS and XMPP might be
>  interesting.

>  JMS has two modes:
>  1. publish-subscribe -- this maps pretty closely to XEP-0060 so writing
>  a bridge should be fairly straightforward.
>  2. point-to-point or queueing -- we don't have anything quite like this
>  in XMPP, although offline message storage gets us pretty close (we just
>  need to make sure the message is acked).
>  Thoughts?

We like it since it's one of the things on which we are thinking about
;) There are two main things that should be done in such a project
- define a client API for pubsub, e.g. as a developer I don't want to
manually create a topic on pubsub and configure it with dataforms, I
want to to it with just one function call. JMS API could be a model
for a start, though I think the API should be a bit wider since our
pubsub model is more complex; the GSoC project could concentrate on
just replicating the JMS functionalities on pubsub
- define naming of topics: with jms I can only subscribe to topics of
the server I'm connected to, while on XMPP you can subscribe to any
pubsub service

Fabio Forno, Ph.D.
Bluendo srl http://www.bluendo.com
jabber id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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