Fabio Forno wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 12:38 PM, Remko Tronçon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  By the way, the most important disadvantage of push is probably
>>  privacy: with push, you have to provide your contact address in order
>>  to get notifications, which can be passed on, and depends on the
>>  server to unsubscribe you from it. I wouldn't want to give my jid to
>>  all the RSS feed sites I'm subscribed to. And personally, I think
>>  privacy is a lot more worth than bandwidth.
> This is a tradeoff we should face sooner or later. On one side the
> problem is real, on the other you already must provide an email
> address for commenting post blogs or for using many web 2.0 social
> services on the net. Moreover it is not just a bandwidth issue, but
> the real added value of XMPP is the possibility to tune delivery
> accordingly to presence or resources, thus tuning the feed to the
> specific context use. However each time you start using these features
> you also have to give away little bits of your privacy. The good thing
> about XMPP is that you always have control about about who you have in
> your roster and,  if privacy in such services becomes a real problem
> there could be technical solutions (e.g. a local pubsub service which
> anonimously subscribes to remote nodes and relays them)

Yes, repeaters could help here.


Peter Saint-Andre

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