
Sometimes I think, that XMPP-iq-get/result does the same as
HTTP-request/response only better, because the client stays connected
and the server network does the routing including again persistent
managed connections. Beyond that, the entire RSS feed mechanism would
be much better in XMPP as pubsub. Twitter API and clients are the
worst of all. While RSS clients poll every hour, Twitter clients
HTTP-poll every minute.

To put it in other words: XMPP style two way messaging can emulate
HTTP style request/response easily. But HTTP has a hard time to
emulate two way messaging or notifications.

Would be interesting to put an XMPP transport under a Web browser and
let the XMPP server do the HTTP gateway until content servers support
XMPP natively.

Won't be easy to replace the entire infrastructure, though :-)

So, to answer your question: You might concentrate on gatewaying. Then
you can use much of the existing infrastructure. E.g. by building a
XMPP-WEBDAV gateway. WEBDAV servers provide all document management
you need for Web sites. Only thing missing to use it from the XMPP
client is a gateway. The gateway as a XMPP server component would
translate WEBDAV requests in XMPP-get/set to HTTP. Basically a
WEBDAV/XMPP to WEBDAV/HTTP gateway. What do you think?


On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 1:25 AM, Xavier Maillard <x...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am writting a text editor with the aim to publish
> notes/articles/whatever over XMPP. I have all the basic editor
> stuff working and now has come the time to choose how to
> effectively "publish" these texts.
> My goal behind this, is to have access to my notes anywhere at
> anytime. I am not sure what the best method I should choose to
> store all this stuff. I know there were tries to have webdav over
> XMPP, I know there is pubsub (which has my preference)  and
> lately I felt upon something called "jabdisk". I am looking for
> information about the later.
> OTOH, if you have any idea on a global storage strategy for my
> client, feel free to share them :)
> My main interest in writing this software is to be able to run a
> "jabber site" (aka a website) totally via XMPP and particulary a
> "XMPP wiki".
> Regards,
>        Xavier
> --
> http://www.gnu.org
> http://www.april.org
> http://www.lolica.org
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