2009/6/6 Kevin Smith <ke...@kismith.co.uk>:
> I'm biased (I'm one of the authors of the book), but I hope that after
> reading that you'll be pretty up-to-speed on the whole thing, and
> maybe it'll make more sense to ask back here after you've had a
> scan-through.

No problem and I'm glad to hear it :D

> Are you wanting to share a GUI (screen sharing type things), or share
> a graphical workspace (like whiteboarding)?

I think it should be more like whiteboarding. The idea is that I
create or just drag and drop objects in the board. This objects may be
various shapes (squares, circles, triangles...) and they will have
different functions, but that's another problem. So, I put these
objects, connect them and so on. Another person can connect to my
board, create other objects and make them interacting with mine.
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