Hi Craig,

_the wiki still shows the following :_

is changed to become

 <bean id="company1" class="org.apache.jdo.tck.pc.company.CompanyFactoryImpl"

Whereas your previous email mentioned that the above should now be_

 is changed to become
-   *<bean id="company1" 
+     <bean id="company1" factory-bean="companyFactory"
-         factory-method="newCompany">
+             factory-method="newCompany">

Craig Russell wrote


Please check out the Wiki page http://wiki.apache.org/jdo/PersistentInterfaces and this patch.

I've tested the companyNoRelationships.xml but haven't updated the other testdata files, pending a review. The idea is to replace the testdata xml files with the factory concept so they can be used by the standard CompletenessTest as well as the interface test.



Craig Russell

Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo

408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

Karan Singh

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