Hi Michael,

This is more a question for Craig and the expert group, but I don't think that primary-key, column, and foreign-key within a join are mutually exclusive. If you look at the example in section 18.7 of the spec, both primary-key and column are used. The column elements name the columns used to join to the primary key columns of the primary table; primary-key and foreign-key elements are used to provide information about the pk and fk columns of the join table.

-- Michelle

Michael Watzek wrote:

Hi Michelle,

I have a question concerning

<!ELEMENT join (extension*, primary-key?, column*, foreign-key?, index?, unique?, extension*)>

Does it make sense to declare elements "primary-key", "column", "foreign-key" as either/or content?



I've attached a patch that contains updates to the api20 jdo.dtd, orm.dtd, and jdo.xsd. The updates are based on the working spec as of Friday, 9/2. I've also attached the xml schema file because the diff is hard to read. Please let me know if you see any errors.


[patch deleted]

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