Hi Michelle,

>From my experience in training, this is what i think will get the point across 

1. Have a stripped down version (like you mentioned.)
2. A  step by step tutorial which uses an real assertion and shows how to write 
a test case and test it with maven. The developer would literally be seeing the 
results while learning and does not have to figure out stuff on their own. This 
can be used in combination with the stripped down version.
3. A heavily annotated version (like you mentioned).

The above model will cater to all types of audience.

Let me know if you need any help 

Karan Singh
Senior Technical Consultant

-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Caisse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 9/13/2005 3:23 PM
To: jdo-dev@db.apache.org
Subject: Re: test template
Hi Karan,

Thanks for your comments.  I wonder if it makes sense to have two 
different items - a really stripped down template for fast editing AND a 
heavily annotated working example?

-- Michelle

Karan Malhi wrote:

>Hi Michelle,
>This is nice!!. I feel that the template changes should be made by submitting 
>changes/suggestions to you. Everybody should not be allowed to change the 
>template. I would like to see a Test Case example/sample code in the .java 
>Karan Singh
>Senior Technical Consultant
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Michelle Caisse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tue 9/13/2005 1:50 PM
>To: jdo-dev@db.apache.org
>Subject: test template
>I'm trying to come up with a simple test template for a JDO TCK test. I 
>need your feedback. I've attached a draft, half-cooked. (I have done 
>nothing yet with the test method and helper method.)
>Up to the point where the test method begins, I've put in replaceable 
>I plan to provide instructions on replacing these items with appropriate 
>**Is this useful?
>**Should we attempt to include any sample code in the test method?  Or 
>should we leave it empty and provide an external text description with 
>some pointers on writing test code?
>I thought of providing more documentation in template.java, but I 
>decided against it for two reasons:
>-. I want the template to be easily editable, without a lot of extra 
>stuff that needs to be deleted.
>-. People inevitably leave boilerplate comments in the document they are 
>editing and I want to avoid that by not putting any in.
>I welcome your comments and suggestions.
>-- Michelle

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