Attendees: Tilmann Zaschke, Michael Bouschen, Craig Russell


1. Mail from Andy: javax.jdo.datastore.DataStoreCache - what to expect if a 
method is not supported

Any issue with this one? 

2. JDO-735 "Make PersistenceManager and Query support AutoCloseable (JDK1.7+)"

Awaiting test cases.

3. JDO-758 "What can a subquery return?"

Done. Seems that part of the specification subquery text was added as 
non-printing. AI Michael update the specification.

4. JDO-751 "Support for Java8 Optional"

Need to update the test case to remove subqueries that return non-aggregate 
results. AI Tilmann.

5. JDO-747 "Behavior of delete() with multiple concurrent Transactions"

no change.

6. JDO 3.1: Need to go through change lists in JIRA for 3.1 RC1 and 3.1 to 
prepare JCP Change Log

7. Other issues

Action Items from weeks past:
[Nov 04 2016] AI Craig update specification p. 183 and 193 for clarity. 
[Oct 30 2015] AI Craig: File a maintenance review with JCP
[May 15 2015] AI Craig Spec change for roll back an active transaction when 
closing a persistence manager (JDO-735)  
[Apr 17 2015] AI Craig: Oracle spec page on JDO need to be updated once the JCP 
Maintenance Release for JDO 3.1 is published
[Oct 17 2014] AI Matthew any updates for "Modify specification to address NoSQL 
[Feb 28 2014] AI Everyone: take a look at
[Feb 28 2014] AI Everyone: take a look at
[Dec 13 2013] AI Craig file a JIRA for java.sql.Blob and java.sql.Clob as 
persistent field types
[Aug 24 2012] AI Craig update the JIRAs JDO-689 JDO-690 and JDO-692 about 
JDOHelper methods. In process.

Craig L Russell
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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