Attendees: Michael Bouschen, Tilmann Zäschke, Tobias Bouschen, Craig Russell

Next meeting: Thursday November 18 10:15 PST 19:15 CET

1. Please test staged JDO 3.2 release (RC2)

There  is no .sha512 in the javax/jdo portion of the staging repository. Maybe 
we do not even need this because it is not an apache source release anyway and 
folks who want the library can get it from maven central repository.

Simplify: remove the assembly plugin so the only thing we need to generate are 
the six source-release artifacts with the .asc and .sha512.

AI Craig: send 3.2-RC3 artifacts to JCP for review.  

2. JDO-795 "Publishing the 3.2 
3. JSR-243 Maintenance Release
4. PR #34 "Revert "Pre 3.2 release fixes"
5. PR #32 "3.2"
6. Issues with Fix Version JDO-3.2
7. Other issues

Action Items from weeks

[Oct 07 2021] AI Craig send a private message to all JSR-243 Expert Group 
members asking if they wish to continue.
[Sep 09 2021] AI Tobias pick a sample chapter to get an idea how much work it 
is to migrate specification to LaTeX
[Aug 05 2021] AI Craig contact JCP governance mavens
[Mar 25 2021] AI Craig: investigate "merging" papajdo and apache.clr accounts
[Jan 07 2021] AI Craig update to add workflow for contributions and preview of 
[Oct 30 2015] AI Craig: File a maintenance review with JCP
[Apr 17 2015] AI Craig: Oracle spec page on JDO need to be updated once the JCP 
Maintenance Release for JDO 3.1 is published
[Oct 17 2014] AI Matthew any updates for "Modify specification to address NoSQL 
[Aug 24 2012] AI Craig update the JIRAs JDO-689 JDO-690 and JDO-692 about 
JDOHelper methods.

Regards Michael

Craig L Russell

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