Attendees: Michael Bouschen, Tilmann Zäschke, Tobias Bouschen, Craig Russell

Next meeting: Thursday October 13 1100 PDT 2000 CEDT

1. JIRA JDO-818 "Use Google Java Style as the code format conventions for the 
JDO project"
New PR #57 "Maven plugin using Google Java Formatter"

After running the maven formatter (twice) found some differences. Then IntelliJ 
with and without imports. Replaced import xxx.* with explicit imports. So, 
IntelliJ finds more than the maven profile does. 

Is there a configuration option for imports? skip-sorting-imports? no.
AI Michael: merge pom changes to main. 
AI Tobias squash and merge actual format changes to main.

2. JIRA JDO-815 "Change headers on source files to use https:// instead of 
http:// "

Still working on this. Will prepare a new PR for these changes.

3. JIRA JDO-812 "Move to JDK 11 as the lowest supported version"

Nothing new. Keep on the agenda to discuss later.

4. Other issues

Action Items from weeks past:

[Dec 09 2021] AI Craig: Try to contact all current/former participants in JDO 
development and see if and how they want to be recognized on the JDO and DB web 
[Oct 07 2021] AI Craig send a private message to all JSR-243 Expert Group 
members asking if they wish to continue.
[Mar 25 2021] AI Craig: investigate "merging" papajdo and apache.clr accounts
[Oct 17 2014] AI Matthew any updates for "Modify specification to address NoSQL 

Regards Michael

Craig L Russell

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