Attendees: Michael Bouschen, Tobias Bouschen, Tilmann Zäschke, Craig Russell

Next meeting: Thursday January 12 1100 PST 2000 CET


1. JIRA JDO-819 "Code quality analysis"
   JIRA JDO-823 "Fix sonarcloud issues of type Code Smells"

One code smell is declaring final constants in interfaces. JDO interface 
Constants declares a large number of constants that are used throughout. 
Proposal to avoid code breaking: define a JDOConstants class that can be 
imported. But this doesn't solve the code smell. Alternate proposal: since 
JDOHelper already implements Constants, we can change usages of CONSTANT_NAME 
AI Michael: change all usages of Constants to use JDOHelper.CONSTANT_NAME 
instead of CONSTANT_NAME. The code smell will remain but the problem will be 

2. JIRA JDO-709 "Standardize field/property converters"

3. JIRA JDO-822: "Verify compatibility with JDK 20"

4. JIRA JDO-812 "Move to JDK 11 as the lowest supported version"

5. Other issues

Action Items from weeks past:

[Nov 23 2022] AI Tilmann see what else is needed to have the analysis 
integrated into GitHub repo.
[Nov 23 2022] AI Tilmann follow up with Andy/DataNucleus for his advice on 
[Oct 20 2022] AI Craig update the JIRA JDO-709 to request a test case using 
annotations and results of the test.
[Dec 09 2021] AI Craig: Try to contact all current/former participants in JDO 
development and see if and how they want to be recognized on the JDO and DB web 
[Oct 07 2021] AI Craig send a private message to all JSR-243 Expert Group 
members asking if they wish to continue.
[Mar 25 2021] AI Craig: investigate "merging" papajdo and apache.clr accounts
[Oct 17 2014] AI Matthew any updates for "Modify specification to address NoSQL 

Regards Michael

Craig L Russell

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