
You would download the RI from JPOX. We anticipate having another Beta release in about a week, but you can now download the most recent beta or a nightly build at http://www.jpox.org/docs/download.html.

-- Michelle

Ting SHAO wrote:


I am creating a java pet store demo app, which uses different technologies
to implement the persistence tier (EJB 2.1, hibernate, etc.) I am
considering of adding another persistence tier impl using JDO 2.0. So I
checked the apache JDO project. Currently the project has no certified
releases, so i checked out the source from SVN. I saw in the JDO wiki that
the JDO 2.0 RI is not being built as an Apache project, but will be built as
a JPOX release. So i would like to know what is the JDO 2.0 status in
apache? If i want to use the 2.0 RI, should i download from JPOX or check
the apache SVN repo?


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