Hi Neil,

I agree the query should return a result. However, the query does not use the candidate class instances in the filter, instead it defines a variable of the same class Product. I think you intended to restrict the products being returned by the query. You can use the keyword this to refer the candidate class instances. Maybe you can try the following and see whether it returns a different result:
 Query q = pm.newQuery(Product.class);
 q.declareImports("import persistent.*");
 q.declareParameters("Department d");
 q.declareVariables("ClassNode c; Subclass s");
q.setFilter("d.classesMap.containsValue(c) && c.subclassMap.containsValue(s) && s.products.contains(this) && (this.qtyAvailable>0)");
 Collection result = (Collection) q.execute(dept);

I hope this helps.

Regards Michael
Hi Neil,

The query looks fine to me. You probably should post this question on the JPOX.org forum as well.



On Dec 16, 2006, at 12:39 PM, Neil Aggarwal wrote:


I am using JDO 2 (The JPOX implementation).

I have four related persistent classes:
Product - contains a qtyAvailable for the quantity we can sell
Subclass - has a set of products
ClassNode - has a map of String to Subclass objects
Department - has a map of String to ClassNode objects.

I want to get all of the products that are contained in
a department, so I wrote the query below.  Unfortunately,
it is giving me zero results.

Here is the code I am using:

Query q = pm.newQuery(Product.class);
q.declareImports("import persistent.*");
q.declareParameters("Department d");
q.declareVariables("ClassNode c; Subclass s; Product p");
q.setFilter("d.classesMap.containsValue(c) && c.subclassMap.containsValue(s)
&& s.products.contains(p) && (p.qtyAvailable>0)");
Collection result = (Collection) q.execute(dept);

Did I do something wrong in my query?


Neil Aggarwal, (214)986-3533, www.JAMMConsulting.com
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Visit http://www.spammilter.com for details.

Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

Michael Bouschen                [EMAIL PROTECTED] Engineering GmbH
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://www.tech.spree.de/
Tel.:++49/30/235 520-33         Buelowstr. 66                   
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