D'oh! Sorry, I search for "maven.glassfish.org" on Google Groups but it 
didn't give 
me https://groups.google.com/d/topic/jenkinsci-dev/1aPlT07gRQ0/discussion 
(and I didn't recognize "m.g.o-public" as a synonym while quickly scanning 
the latest threads)

So, does it mean I could have added a mirror in my settings.xml?
Something like:

On Friday, March 2, 2012 5:46:38 PM UTC+1, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> Hi there,
> I was going to start hacking on Jenkins (actually on the 
> gerrit-trigger-plugin) and Maven's “downlading the internet…” was taking 
> much longer than it should be. I then noticed it stopped for minutes trying 
> to resolve artifacts from maven.glassfish.org.
> It turns out the server has been put offline in the last couple of days: 
> http://java.net/projects/glassfish/lists/dev/archive/2012-02/message/118
> As a workaround, I ended up hacking the downloaded POMs to remove the 
> references to the repository: sed -i 's|
> http://maven.glassfish.org/content/groups/public/|http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/|'
> $(grep -R maven.glassfish.org ~/.m2/ --include '*.pom' -l)
> It all went smooth after that, proof that references to that maven repo 
> were not actually needed ⇒ bad practice (or were they really needed at some 
> earlier point in time?)
> Well, that just a FYI (with a little bit of rant); now back to hacking!
> (and by the way, thank you so much for making Jenkins!)

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