Thanks for the feedback. I guess we agreed that it would be an interesting 
feature for core provided we can implement it in a reasonably efficient way.

@kpfleming: We can do better than re-runing JUnitResultArchiver. I have 
modified the parser to update result object incrementally in order _not_ to 
parse the same report files over and over again. My draft invokes parsing 
JIT (but it is blocking the UI thread which probably could be eliminated 
using ajax) so there is no parsing as long as no one wants to see the 
results. Possible improvement we might be interested in is spinning a 
thread on slave to monitor new report files and push updates to master when 
there is something new (no polling on master, no polling over network). I 
did not find a way to eliminate polling altogether preserving all the 
flexibility JUnitResultArchiver provides, though.

Testing on remote slave is actually faster than I expected. Refreshing test 
results takes ~5 seconds when building jenkins.

@Roman: This filesystem based approach will cover your use case as well.

Here is what I have:

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