Hello, I'd like to create a view by calling method "createViewFromXML(String 
name, InputStream xml)" in the View class. How can I achieve that?
It appears that each time I pass a StringInputStream object to this method, it 
throws an "Unable to read" exception.
My test code is as follows:
String xml = "<hudson.plugins.nested__view.NestedView>                          
                   "                            + "      <owner 
class=\"hudson\" reference=\"../../..\"/>                                   "   
                        + "      <name>nnnn1</name>                             
                                "                               + "      
"                               + "      <filterQueue>false</filterQueue>       
                                        "                               + "     
 <properties class=\"hudson.model.View$PropertyList\"/>                         
  "                             + "      <views>                                
                                        "                               + "     
"                               + "          <owner 
class=\"hudson.plugins.nested_view.NestedView\" reference=\"../../..\"/>"       
                    + "          <name>bbbb1</name>                             
                            "                               + "          
<filterExecutors>false</filterExecutors>                                   "    
                           + "          <filterQueue>false</filterQueue>        
                                   "                               + "          
<properties class=\"hudson.model.View$PropertyList\"/>                       "  
                           + "          
<noOfDisplayedBuilds>1</noOfDisplayedBuilds>                               "    
                           + "          <buildViewTitle></buildViewTitle>       
                                   "                               + "          
<triggerOnlyLatestJob>false</triggerOnlyLatestJob>                         "    
                           + "          
<alwaysAllowManualTrigger>true</alwaysAllowManualTrigger>                  "    
                           + "          
<showPipelineParameters>true</showPipelineParameters>                      "    
                           + "          <refreshFrequency>3</refreshFrequency>  
                                   "                               + "          
<showPipelineDefinitionHeader>false</showPipelineDefinitionHeader>         "    
                           + "          
<displayProgressBar>false</displayProgressBar>                             "    
                           + "        
</au.com.centrumsystems.hudson.plugin.buildpipeline.BuildPipelineView>       "  
                             + "      </views>                                  
                                     "                               + "      
"                               + "        <columns/>                           
                                        "                               + "     
"                               + "</hudson.plugins.nested__view.NestedView>    
                                        ";              InputStream xx=new 
StringInputStream(xml, "utf-8");                             try {              
     View.createViewFromXML("aa", xx);               } catch (IOException e) {  
                     // TODO Auto-generated catch block                      
e.printStackTrace();            }


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