On 23/07/15 10:41, Christopher Orr wrote:
> On 23/07/15 08:35, Daniel Beck wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> A few days ago I announced plans to revive Office Hours.
>> The first meeting will be next Wednesday, July 29. I'll talk about what you 
>> should know about Stapler when writing a Jenkins plugin -- this includes how 
>> requests are routed, form data handling, and Jelly/Groovy view creation.
>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/jenkinsci-dev/FB4BxpnDsQ4
>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Office+Hours
> Jolly good.  Could you possibly put that in the Google Calendar?
> I know that there is already an "Office Hours" slot in the calendar
> every two weeks, but since it hasn't taken place in months, I just
> ignore that every time.
> So it would be nice to delete the occurring event and only actually add
> the event to the calendar, with the topic in the title, when it's
> actually scheduled to take place.


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