
> another set of devs will be working
> on the initial storage changes, targeting 2.15 or something like that

in general I agree with your (I'd like to see changes in backend happen as 
well), but I'm not sure about this one - you don't expect any API changes or 
you propose to do backward incompatible changes in a minor version change? If 
the former, IMHO it doesn't need to be bind to 2.0, just form group of 
interested devs and make the change, if later it seems to me quite unfortunate 
to do any incompatibility changes during minor version bump. IMHO lots of 
people expect, if not state clearly otherwise, that any backward incompatible 
changes happen only during major version bump.

With 2.0 bump discussion, IMHO it would be useful if we define what major 
version bump exactly means for Jenkins (i.e. still very limited backward 
incompatible changes; only some API changes - only plugin maintainers should 
take care; backward incompatible changes can happen -  every admin should take 
care and look if some config migration is needed; etc) and also how often we 
expect major version changes. If cca once a year (or e.g. once some major 
feature is developed and tested), IMHO it's fine to wait with it for 3.0, if 
we stick with 2.0 for another 10 years, than makes sense for me to postpone 
2.0 and implement more changes.


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