I'm able to upload my artifact to SNAPSHOT in the artifactory UI. I'm also 
storing my password in cleartext in my settings.xml -- is it possible an 
artifactory setting changed to require encrypted passwords? That config 
would be here:


On Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 1:51:10 PM UTC-7, Dan Alvizu wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to do a third release of my plugin - I haven't changed my maven 
> config or password since then and I am now getting a 401 error attempting 
> to upload:
> ```
> [INFO] [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.6:deploy (default-deploy) on 
> project jira-ext: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact 
> org.jenkins-ci.plugins:jira-ext:hpi:0.3 from/to maven.jenkins-ci.org (
> http://maven.jenkins-ci.org:8081/content/repositories/releases): Failed 
> to transfer file: 
> http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/org/jenkins-ci/plugins/jira-ext/0.3/jira-ext-0.3.hpi.
> Return code is: 401, ReasonPhrase: Unauthorized. -> [Help 1]
> [INFO] org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to 
> execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.6:deploy 
> (default-deploy) on project jira-ext: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not 
> transfer artifact org.jenkins-ci.plugins:jira-ext:hpi:0.3 from/to 
> maven.jenkins-ci.org (
> http://maven.jenkins-ci.org:8081/content/repositories/releases): Failed 
> to transfer file: 
> http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/org/jenkins-ci/plugins/jira-ext/0.3/jira-ext-0.3.hpi.
> Return code is: 401, ReasonPhrase: Unauthorized.
> ```
> I have followed all of the troubleshooting on the wiki here: 
> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Hosting+Plugins
>    - My settings look fine (i haven't changed them) - mvn 
>    help:effective-settings shows what I expect
>    - The password is correct - I'm able to use it to log into jira, the 
>    wiki, and artifactory @ http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/webapp/ 
>    <http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/webapp/home.html?0>
>    - I'm not trying to upload the same version - I'm trying to release 
>    v0.3, and only v0.1 and v0.2 exist:
>    http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/org/jenkins-ci/plugins/jira-ext/
> Given the problems with artifactory yesterday I'm more inclined to believe 
> there might be something wrong on infrastructure side of things. My last 
> attempt at upload was about 20m ago from this message - ~1:30 MST (GMT-7)
> Thanks!
> Environment dump:
> dalvizu:~/git/dalvizu/jira-ext-plugin$ mvn -v
> Apache Maven 3.0.5 (r01de14724cdef164cd33c7c8c2fe155faf9602da; 2013-02-19 
> 06:51:28-0700)
> Maven home: /usr/local/apache-maven-3.0.5
> Java version: 1.7.0_60, vendor: Oracle Corporation
> Java home: 
> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_60.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
> OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.9.5", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"
> dalvizu:~/git/dalvizu/jira-ext-plugin$ mvn help:effective-settings
> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
> [INFO]                                                                    
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Building jira-ext Plugin 0.4-SNAPSHOT
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] 
> [INFO] --- maven-help-plugin:2.1.1:effective-settings (default-cli) @ 
> jira-ext ---
> [INFO] 
> Effective user-specific configuration settings:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!-- 
> ====================================================================== -->
> <!--                                                                      
>   -->
> <!-- Generated by Maven Help Plugin on 2016-03-01T01:48:48                
>   -->
> <!-- See: http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-help-plugin/              
>   -->
> <!--                                                                      
>   -->
> <!-- 
> ====================================================================== -->
> <!-- 
> ====================================================================== -->
> <!--                                                                      
>   -->
> <!-- Effective Settings for 'dalvizu' on 'dalvizu-mbpr'                   
>   -->
> <!--                                                                      
>   -->
> <!-- 
> ====================================================================== -->
> <settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"; xmlns:xsi="
> http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xsi:schemaLocation="
> http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0 
> http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.1.0.xsd";>
>   <localRepository xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0
> ">/Users/dalvizu/.m2/repository</localRepository>
>   <servers xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0";>
>     <server>
>       <username>jenkins</username>
>       <password>***</password>
>       <id>art01</id>
>     </server>
>     <server>
>       <username>dalvizu</username>
>       <password>***</password>
>       <id>maven.jenkins-ci.org</id>
>     </server>
>   </servers>
>   <mirrors xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0";>
>     <mirror>
>       <mirrorOf>m.g.o-public</mirrorOf>
>       <url>http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/public/</url>
>       <id>repo.jenkins-ci.org</id>
>     </mirror>
>   </mirrors>
>   <profiles xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0";>
>     <profile>
>       <activation>
>         <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault>
>       </activation>
>       <repositories>
>         <repository>
>           <id>repo.jenkins-ci.org</id>
>           <url>http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/public/</url>
>         </repository>
>       </repositories>
>       <pluginRepositories>
>         <pluginRepository>
>           <id>repo.jenkins-ci.org</id>
>           <url>http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/public/</url>
>         </pluginRepository>
>       </pluginRepositories>
>       <id>jenkins</id>
>     </profile>
>   </profiles>
>   <pluginGroups xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0";>
>     <pluginGroup>org.jenkins-ci.tools</pluginGroup>
>     <pluginGroup>org.apache.maven.plugins</pluginGroup>
>     <pluginGroup>org.codehaus.mojo</pluginGroup>
>   </pluginGroups>
> </settings>
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Total time: 1.722s
> [INFO] Finished at: Tue Mar 01 13:48:48 MST 2016
> [INFO] Final Memory: 15M/310M
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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