Hi Christian,
We are evaluating Saltstack at work, and one of the tasks assigned to me is to 
look into how to integrate our PHP/Java builds with the server provisioning and 
I have a working test environment with one master and two minions, so will try 
to install saltstack-plugin in a test Jenkins server and then toy with it a 
little bit, and also try to reproduce the issue with the credentials-plugin. 
Will report any comments in that issue (though I think it might be better to 
use Jenkins JIRA?).

      From: Christian McHugh <christian.mch...@gmail.com>
 To: Jenkins Developers <jenkinsci-dev@googlegroups.com> 
 Sent: Saturday, 19 March 2016 3:18 AM
 Subject: RFH: salt plugin
Howdy everybody,
A while back I created a plugin that allows you to define a build step that 
kicks off salt calls through saltapi's rest 
The plugin works well for the intended purposes. However, I am not a (java) 
programmer and due to a job change will not have as much time to dedicate to 
becoming one :) As such, I was wondering if there was anyone in the community 
willing to help assist with maintenance of this plugin and perhaps help with 
modernizing and properly jenkins'ing the codebase. 

Specifically, I just released a version of the plugin that trades out 
username/password fields in favor of using credentials ( :) ), but after making 
the release I've gotten a bug report that the credentials dropdown isn't being 
populated as expected ( :( 

This functionality works for me and some others that participated in some beta 
releases, but since I'm not able to replicate I'm not sure where to go from 
Is anyone able to provide guidance or direction on credentials usage or able to 
perform a quick code review with me? 

Thanks much!
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