I'm trying to write a unit test that will exercise the UI for my plugin and 
to do that I need to configure it's global properties.


I can get to the global configuration page but when I look in the config 
form for my plugin settings it's not there.  The wiki only touches this 
area very lightly so it's not been much help.


My code is in: 


    public JenkinsRule j = new JenkinsRule()
    public void perform() {
        HtmlPage globalConfigPage = 
        HtmlForm form = globalConfigPage.getFormByName("config");


        // My plugins global properties are not found
        HtmlInput password = form.getInputByName("_.password");




I've tried:

   -  @WithPlugin("DownloadPackageBuilder.hpi") 
This issue: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-29181 suggests 
that I should be able to do this with 
@WithPlugin("DownloadPackageBuilder.hpi") if I can get the plugin into the 
plugins folder but doesn't have any ideas on how this might be achieved.

   -   j.recipeLoadCurrentPlugin();
This looked promising but didn't work - possibly because I am using the 
Gradle JPI plugin: 


Any idea on what I might be missing?

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