I am not sure what I am doing wrong with my groovy script.
I have written a groovy update script to bulk update all my projects.
Sometimes it does not take affect when I call project.save()
I can afterwards open that project configuration page and everything looks 
right. The updated content is there.
However when I write a groovy read script to print out that information I 
updated, not all projects show the updated information.
If I then open those projects configuration page, do nothing and just press 
save then that information is available when I run the read script again.

Making a change in Script console using Groovy and then envoke 
project.save(), why is it that when I try to read the value again it does 
not show the changed value, but the old one.

Do I need to perform some other action than just project.save()

For instance given this groovy script to add some environment variables.
#!/usr/bin/env groovy

import java.lang.StringBuilder
import hudson.matrix.MatrixProject
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectJobProperty
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectJobPropertyInfo

def jenkinsInstance = jenkins.model.Jenkins.getInstance()
def developmentView = jenkinsInstance.getView("myView")
developmentView.getItems().each { project ->

    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder()
    final def propertiesContent = builder.toString()

    def info = new EnvInjectJobPropertyInfo(null, propertiesContent, null, 
null, null, false)
    def property = new EnvInjectJobProperty()


Trying to read the same environment variables
#!/usr/bin/env groovy

import org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectJobProperty
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectJobPropertyInfo

def jenkinsInstance = jenkins.model.Jenkins.getInstance()
def developmentView = jenkinsInstance.getView("myView")
developmentView.getItems().each { project ->
  def EnvInjectJobProperty property = project.getProperty(
  if (property != null) {
    def info = property.getInfo()
    println info.getPropertiesContent()

Not all projects now shows the environment variables.

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