I am a maintainer of the selenium grid plugin, and as part of our plugin we 
start potentially multiple processes on slaves (selenium nodes, as part of 
a distributed selenium grid).
We have implemented the RestartListener to shutdown all our selenium nodes 
on the slaves when Jenkins is restarting, but I am unable to find how to do 
this when the master becomes unavailable for some reason.

As in, when the master becomes unavailable to a slave, I want to be able to 
have the slave shut down it's selenium node processes. This is necessary 
because selenium contains an automatic reconnect mechanism,
so if the connection to master is lost for unexpected reasons, we would end 
up with duplicate selenium nodes on the slaves (plugin tries to create new 
node on all slaves that become available and match the criteria).
This is undesirable.

So I would like to know, is there a way to tell Jenkins slaves to clean up 
any processes I started when it no longer has a connection to master?

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