I am trying to add global settings for my plugin.  I think I have the form 
jelly correct, as the form loads.  When I fill out data in the global 
settings and try to save, I get the following error:

javax.servlet.ServletException: net.sf.json.JSONException: 
JSONObject["consulHostUrl"] not found.

The configure method is here:

        public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) 
throws FormException {

            consulHostUrl = formData.getString("consulHostUrl");  //errors 

            req.bindJSON(this, formData);
            return super.configure(req, formData);

And, before the error, I log the formData object, and I see:


The global.jelly is:

<j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:st="jelly:stapler" 
xmlns:d="jelly:define" xmlns:l="/lib/layout" xmlns:t="/lib/hudson" 
<f:section title="Global Consul Settings" name="consul-kv-builder">
    <f:entry title="Host URL" help="help-hostUrl.html">
        <f:textbox field="consulHostUrl" name="consulHostUrl" />
    <f:entry title="ACL Token" help="help-token.html">
        <f:textbox field="consulAclToken" name="consulAclToken" value="" />
    <f:entry title="API URI (/v1/kv/)" help="help-urlOverride.html">
        <f:textbox field="consulApiUri" name="consulApiUri" />
    <f:entry title="Connection Timeout (10000)" 
        <f:textbox field="consulTimeoutConnection" 
name="consulTimeoutConnection" />
    <f:entry title="Response Timeout (30000)" 
        <f:textbox field="consulTimeoutResponse" 
name="consulTimeoutResponse" />
    <f:entry title="Test URI (/status/leader)" help="help-testUri.html">
        <f:textbox field="consulTestUri" name="consulTestUri" />
    <f:entry title="Test Response Code (200)" 
        <f:textbox field="consulTestResponseCode" 
name="consulTestResponseCode" />
        title="${%Test Connection}" progress="${%Testing...}"
with="consulHostUrl,consulTestUri,consulTestResponseCode" />

And the *Test Connection* works as well.

I know I am doing something stupid, but I just haven't stumbled on it yet.

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