You need the following ingredients 

 1. DbBacked builds ( ) , i.e no in memory 
build data.  
 2. NFS mount for 'jobs' folder to share console output, artifacts ect. 
 3. Message Passing between various masters ( eg: build queuing, build 
abort, queue abort ect ) .
 4. No shared agents. You could use any cloud plugin , although I like 
instant provisioning ones eg:


 1. Install and configure plugins mentioned above
 2. Start multiple Jenkins instances with share mounted/symlinked  'jobs' 
folder . 
 3. Done. 


 Build Create: When a build comes into the queue, it gets saved into redis 
I had to hack override Queue Implementation 
to achieve this).  Build gets picked up any of the masters that are 
watching the queue. 
 Build Abort:  Aborting a 'ha build' puts a message into redis queue , which 
gets processed by all masters 
the master running the actual build aborts it. 
 Queued item Abort: Same mechanism as above ^. 
 Build Execution: Build execution happens in a dynamically created agent. 
 Build info is written to db via DotCi, and build logs are synced to all 
masters via NFS. 
 Build Delete: Build gets deleted in DotCi database. 

I've done some testing and this setup seems to work fine and is totally 
transparent to end user.  But I haven't done any extensive testing for edge 

I am curious to know what experts here think about this. What are the 
things that could go wrong with a setup like this? 


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