Greetings community,

Earlier versions of the saltstack plugin were pretty ugly and didn't use a 
class for the different options in a dropdown selector, but instead just 
parsed the json in the databoundconstructor. Thankfully, this has been 
corrected, but now brings up the issue of how to support older configs.

I have the following code added to readResolve() or
public static class ConverterImpl extends XStream2.PassthruConverter<
SaltAPIBuilder> {
    public ConverterImpl(XStream2 xstream) { super(xstream); } 
    protected void callback(SaltAPIBuilder obj, UnmarshallingContext context
) { 

        // Support 1.7 and before 
        if (obj.clientInterfaces != null) {  
            obj.arguments = obj.arguments.replaceAll(",", " "); 
            if (obj.clientInterfaces.has("clientInterface")) { 
                if (obj.clientInterfaces.getString("clientInterface").equals
("local")) { 
                    obj.clientInterface = new LocalClient(obj.function, 
+ " " + obj.kwarguments,, obj.targettype); 
                    ((LocalClient) obj.clientInterface).setJobPollTime(obj.
                    ((LocalClient) obj.clientInterface).setBlockbuild(obj.
                } else if (obj.clientInterfaces.getString("clientInterface"
).equals("local_batch")) { 
                    obj.clientInterface = new LocalBatchClient(obj.function, 
obj.arguments + " " + obj.kwarguments, obj.batchSize,, obj.
                } else if (obj.clientInterfaces.getString("clientInterface"
).equals("runner")) { 
                    obj.clientInterface = new RunnerClient(obj.function, obj
.arguments + " " + obj.kwarguments, obj.mods, obj.pillarvalue); 
            final XStream xStream = new XStream(new DomDriver()); 
            final String xmlResult = xStream.toXML(obj).toString(); 
            System.out.println("!!!!!! Running ConverterImpl\n" + xmlResult

  , "1.7.2"); 
This code attempts to parse the old format, and creates the appropriate new 
classes. In the above, the system.out.println result shows the expected 
output, but unfortunately there's a problem.
When viewing a job with an older config, nothing is displayed. When viewing 
the manage old data page the following error is shown:
hudson.model.FreeStyleProject job1.7.1 1.7.2 ConversionException: Cannot 
construct com.waytta.clientinterface.BasicClient : 
com.waytta.clientinterface.BasicClient : Cannot construct 
com.waytta.clientinterface.BasicClient : 
com.waytta.clientinterface.BasicClient ---- Debugging information ---- 
message : Cannot construct com.waytta.clientinterface.BasicClient : 
com.waytta.clientinterface.BasicClient cause-exception : 
cause-message : Cannot construct com.waytta.clientinterface.BasicClient : 
com.waytta.clientinterface.BasicClient class : 
com.waytta.clientinterface.BasicClient required-type : 
com.waytta.clientinterface.BasicClient converter-type : 
hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter path : 
/project/builders/com.waytta.SaltAPIBuilder/clientInterface line number : 
52 -------------------------------, InstantiationError: null

Does anyone have a recomendation on how to support this migration and 
creating a class from the ConverterImpl?
Thanks :)

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