On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 9:45 AM, nicolas de loof
<nicolas.del...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As a sample for this
> discussion let's consider Mailer plugin build step

And the comment

> this code is brain dead


> Until you have some clever hack to suggest, it looks to me we will need to
> provide guidance for plugin developers for "best practice to implement
> Descriptor" so it can be used by configuration-as-code.

A lot of this is actually identical to the constraints needed to make
code compatible with *Pipeline Syntax*, and more broadly with the
`DescribableModel` API. See:


> I sounds to me we don't have any way to provide a generic mechanism without
> changes to Descriptors in core/plugins - yes I known, this means hundreds
> pull-requests

Start filing them…

The main difficulty is not in writing correct code, which is in fact
usually easier than the old way, it is in maintaining deserialization
compatibility. So you need to use `readResolve` and occasionally even
XStream tricks to load old, awkward property layouts into a logical
revised structure.

> To reuse Mailer$Descriptor sample, this would require useSMTPAuth to be an
> actual nested data structure, not just a boolean flag to configure some
> optional attributes. This means that it would have to define a nested java
> class to own smtpAuthUserName + smtpAuthPasswordSecret attributes.

Yes. `f:optionalProperty` and a nested `Describable`. See for example
`HeteroList` in `ui-samples`.

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