This is a great effort that tackles a part of a broad problem space for
large scale / cloud native Jenkins users. My hats off to Carlos, Jesse, and
Oleg for driving these efforts. I've assigned Jesse as BDFL Delegate to
this JEP.

For the future, a few nit pickings. I feel that the write-up of this JEP
mixes the core part and S3 specific part in one piece, which muddies water
a bit. For example, it reads "Core APIs already existed ..., but lacked the
crucial capability ... to provide a satisfactory S3 implementation," which
makes it sound like this change was needed to make S3 work, but really
AFAIK the core changes are aiming at all cloud blob stores, not just S3. I
also know Carlos and Jesse are focused on doing S3 as companion
implementation of this core change, but I also believe we welcome (and in
fact encourage) other people to do other cloud implementations, like Azure,
and there's nothing in the core changes that tie us to S3.

I also think the amount of coding effort that went into this is well past
the criteria that I expect for "Accepted", if that's what led to Tyler's
commentary below, but I'm probably missing some context.

So overall, for future JEPs in this space, it'd be good to get a JEP up a
little sooner so that we can overlap the time it takes for the actual
development and the consensus building.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 9:37 AM R. Tyler Croy <> wrote:

> (replies inline)
> On Fri, 13 Apr 2018, Carlos Sanchez wrote:
> > PR submitted at
> Related to this work is this pull request which implements extensions to
> VirtualFile, which I would consider very key to this work:
> With that pull request there have been some questions raised about how the
> Workflow interacts with the implementation workflow, and merging of code
> into
> plugin and core repositories. I wanted to share the expectations I had in
> mind
> when bringing over parts of PEP into JEP-1.
> The workflow for a Standards JEP is generally going to be
> Draft->Accepted[0]->Final[1]
> JEP-1 is somewhat intentionally vague on how these map to merges of pull
> requests and APIs. My original thoughts around this were that this would
> be a
> good thing and allow us the most flexibility in writing code alongside
> discussing design and APIs, depending on the repository and design. I
> recognize
> how this ambiguity also leaves room for confusion.
> Working backwards, Final is the most clear and obvious in my opinion. A JEP
> marked as Final means designs and APIs are merged, finalized, and
> considered
> "supported" for whatever our hand-wavey-API-support-policy is (i.e. public
> APIs) in whatever project they're being merged.
> The requirements for implementation around Accepted[0] much more loosely
> defined as:
>     "The proposed implementation, if applicable, must be solid, must not
> complicate
>     Jenkins unduly, and must be the same license as the component the
> proposal is
>     meant to added to"
> In the case of Jenkins Essentials, we're merging code regardless of
> Accepted,
> or even Draft JEP status, because obviously, that's most expedient given
> the
> state of that project.
> In the case of Jenkins plugins and core which are already being used, I
> understand that is not the case. However, I think it would be a failure
> for JEP
> if we are reluctant to merge code and make _use_ of it before the
> "Accepted" or
> "Final" states are reached.
> To a certain extent I believe that no API or design can be safely
> considered
> Final without real world experimental or beta usage.  Hiding something
> behind a
> feature flag, or a @Beta annotation, for core or plugins is (IMHO) a really
> good thing to strive for even in the Draft stage to get _real_ usage of
> designs
> in the hands of testers and users. All the while, still communicating our
> intention that these are *beta* (not in the Google sense).
> The quote "No plan survives contact with the enemy", and my favorite Mike
> Tyson
> derivative "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth" come
> to
> mind :)
> With regards to the pull request for Jenkins core above, my recommendation
> for
> the folks working on core is to merge and ship designed, documented, and
> clearly marked Beta APIs which do not unduly complicate Jenkins, and of
> course
> can be safely released and exercised in weekly and LTS releases. I think
> plugins should be encouraged to follow similar guidelines at their
> maintainers' discretion.
> Optimizing for safely trying new things in released versions of code is
> IMHO a
> very good thing.
> Cheers
> [0]
> [1]
> --
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi

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