I'm definitely interested in being part of this as well. 

On Monday, October 15, 2018 at 2:12:13 AM UTC-7, Andrew Bayer wrote:
> I’d like to propose the creation of a “Pipeline Authoring” SIG, with 
> myself as the lead. The focus of this SIG would be on improving all aspects 
> of the user experience around authoring Jenkins Pipeline. This includes: 
> * Syntax and structure
> * Extensibility, code reuse, and code sharing
> * Testability
> * Documentation
> * Tooling for Pipeline authors (like Snippet Generator, Directive 
> Generator, IDE integration, etc)
> * Best practices (including tooling for gentle nudges in the direction of 
> best practices)
> * Examples/"starter Jenkinsfiles" for various scenarios, etc
> While at Jenkins World I was able to discuss this idea with a number of 
> people.  Response was universally positive. Here are a few examples:
> * Steven Terrana (from Booz Allen) has done work on code sharing and reuse 
> in (https://github.com/boozallen/sdp-pipeline-framework) and is 
> interested in making some form of that available to the Jenkins community. 
> * Austin Witt (from HomeAway) has created on a groovy testing framework 
> for Jenkins Pipeline (https://github.com/homeaway/jenkins-spock/) 
> * Liam Newman (from CloudBees) has written and edited quite a bit of 
> documentation for  Jenkins Pipeline and provided feedback on the design on 
> a number of Pipeline feature.  He expressed a desire to continue expanding 
> and improving on that documentation.
> * And Kohsuke basically demanded that we do this. =) 
> While this is not a large group, it was enough to convince me that this is 
> an area that deserve a SIG. There is strong interest from a number of 
> people  number and the area is also not covered by existing SIGs. 
> If you’d like to be part of the initial group of participants, please 
> respond on this thread. Other feedback and suggestion are also welcome. I 
> will create the appropriate SIG pages and channels in a few days.  We can 
> start figuring out where to focus our efforts first and can schedule the 
> group’s regular meetings to start some time after DevOps World - Jenkins 
> World in Nice <https://www.cloudbees.com/devops-world/nice>.
> A.  

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