In the warnings plugin I am visualizing the authors of a warning by querying 
the associated SCM. This works quite well for Git if the Jenkinsfile checks out 
the source code into the top level folder. However, if the checkout is placed 
within a directory, the plugin cannot find the git repository anymore.

E.g., a Jenkinsfile
stages {\n"
+ "    stage('Prepare') {\n"
+ "      steps {\n"
+ "        dir('src') {\n"
+ "          checkout scm\n"
+ "        }\n"
+ "      }\n"
+ "    }\n"
Creates a git directory in the src folder. When I create a GitClient from the 
workspace it does not find the .git directory. 
It seems that the correct path to the subfolder is stored in instances of 
SCMCheckout, however these classes are not public.  

Is there a public API to obtain the actual subfolder of the Git repositories of 
a pipeline?

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