Thank you for taking the time to provide a response! It has really 
clarified some of the things I wasn't super sure on. 

Op donderdag 27 februari 2020 20:47:56 UTC+1 schreef Matt Sicker:
> Responses inline below: 
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 9:07 AM Jeroen Haaksema 
> < <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> > Hello, 
> > 
> > First of, I’m really sorry if this is not the right place to ask this, 
> if not please let me know who I could direct this to!I am a CS student who 
> is doing a course on architecture and I have chosen Jenkins. Part of the 
> course is communicating with the architect. There doesn’t seem to be just a 
> single architect within Jenkins and your group seems to me the closest I 
> will get to an actual architect. The assignment I’m working on is a 
> reconstruction of the architecture from an open source software project and 
> one of the things we are looking at is Architecturally Significant 
> Requirements(ASR). Which comes down to requirements set in stone with no 
> wiggle room. I would really appreciate it if someone would be able to 
> either confirm or deny if the ASR’s I have defined are correct. 
> Correct; there isn't a single architect behind Jenkins, though Kohsuke 
> Kawaguchi was the original developer which is the closest thing I can 
> think of. 
> > Would you say that part of the reason that Jenkins was developed in Java 
> is due to that this means that the codebase can be used for Linux, Mac Os X 
> and Windows? (this obviously skips over that Oracle, the owner of Java was 
> part of the inception of Jenkins) 
> Cross platform capabilities are useful, though I'd also assume it was 
> also chosen as a familiar tech stack by the original developer at the 
> time when it was just a side project running on a spare computer at 
> his office. 
> > Would you say that using HTTP to manage slave nodes is to make it 
> possible for Jenkins to have nodes on different operating systems working 
> together? 
> The nodes are managed through a custom protocol which has allowed it 
> to be implemented in several concrete implementations such as 
> launching over SSH, using the protocol directly (encrypted via TLS) 
> over TCP/IP for agent-initiated TCP/IP connections, and even using 
> Apache Kafka as a message broker of sorts. 
> > Furthermore I have some other questions: 
> > 
> > Would you say that one of the main features of Jenkins is the Pipeline 
> and the option to customise which steps are taken including the order and 
> possible steps after the completion of test? 
> Yes, though do note that pipelines are a more recent feature than the 
> project itself, though just through a different UI. Automation of 
> tasks and reacting to them is the gist in my opinion, yes. 
> > What is the reason that plugins can be written in Kotlin? 
> Kotlin was designed to interoperate easily with Java [1], so it's a 
> natural extension to be able to do the same in Jenkins. Due to 
> JEP-200, though, there may be extra boilerplate code needed to save 
> and load config objects written using Kotlin collection classes, but I 
> haven't actually validated that. 
> [1]: 
> > Would you say that an external interface used by Jenkins is a link to a 
> source control management system (eg. GitHub) ? 
> Yes, though I'd clarify that there are two potential interfaces there: 
> the git repository itself and webhooks from GitHub (or other similar 
> SCM hosts). There are even more potential interfaces there, though the 
> git repository one is a fundamental one as most Jenkins jobs need to 
> pull data from somewhere continuously, and a git repository is a 
> natural tool for that. 
> -- 
> Matt Sicker 
> Senior Software Engineer, CloudBees 

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