I also think that mattermost is a reasonable chat solution for devops teams 
- https://github.com/mattermost.  Besides results of comparing mattermost 
and slack are pretty obvious - https://mattermost.com/mattermost-vs-slack/
Just my 2c

Thx, Vlad

On Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 5:17:38 AM UTC-7, Oleg Nenashev wrote:
> Hi all,
> In the Proposal: Expanding the Jenkins Core maintainers team 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/jenkinsci-dev/1ioTdU4784M/7fXzCTIMFgAJ>
>  thread 
> we briefly discussed creation of chats and other communication channels for 
> Jenkins core maintainers which could help in the case of runtime 
> communications: merge/changelog discussions, sync-ups between maintainers, 
> etc. Right now we mostly use pull requests and mailing lists for such kind 
> of discussions, but a number of private messages between maintainers makes 
> me tink that we might be lacking a chat for runtime discussions. Also, we 
> could setup a regular call to discuss maintenance topics, do reviews in the 
> screenshare mode and to do knowledge transfers about the codebase.
> I would appreciate feedback from Jenkins core maintainers and active 
> contributors:
>    - Would a dedicated chat help us? E.g. jenkinsci/core-developers in 
>    Gitter
>    - Would it make sense to have a regular or an on-demand call for core 
>    maintainers? 
> Thanks for your time,
> Oleg

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