Zoom link for the 
meeting: https://zoom.us/j/91947412082?pwd=M0E0ZzRHa0ZjWHFkN09XN051MHM3dz09

On Monday, April 20, 2020 at 11:04:22 AM UTC+2, Oleg Nenashev wrote:
> Dear all,
> At the previous governance meeting 
> <https://jenkins.io/project/governance-meeting/> in April we agreed to 
> try another format for the next meeting which will take place on April 
> 22nd, 6PM UTC. Instead of the regular meeting in IRC, we decided to have a 
> recorded video call in jit.sy or Zoom. Such format is similar to how 
> Jenkins SIGs operate, and it might be more efficient with the current 
> number of attendees at governance meetings. At the meeting we will also 
> review the Jenkins Project Roadmap <https://jenkins.io/project/roadmap/>, 
> and we consider this meeting as a first roadmap meeting documented in 
> JEP-14 <https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/14>. 
> This is an open meeting, and everyone is welcome to participate! I will 
> post the meeting link in this thread and in the event calendar 
> <https://jenkins.io/event-calendar/> once it is created.
> Before the meeting...
>    - If you would like to propose any other topics for discussion/voting, 
>    please add them to this Google Do 
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/11Nr8QpqYgBiZjORplL_3Zkwys2qK1vEvK-NYyYa4rzg/edit#heading=h.vylsknw2s91m>
>    c
>    - If your plugin team/SIG/sub-project has any items for the roadmap 
>    <https://jenkins.io/project/roadmap/> which have not been submitted 
>    yet, please do so before the meeting. It can be done by submitting a small 
>    pull-request to the roadmap.yml in jenkins-infra/jenkins.io 
> <https://github.com/jenkins-infra/jenkins.io/blob/master/content/_data/roadmap/roadmap.yml>
> Best regards,
> Oleg Nenashev

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