On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 01:06:57PM +0200, Oleg Nenashev wrote:
> Proposal. We suggest to explicitly document the theme support policy
> in the Simple Theme Plugin plugin documentation and in Jenkins user
> documentation. We suggest to explicitly document the current state of
> affairs even if it may be perceived negatively by potential theme
> users. In our opinion it is better to set expectations early than to
> break their layouts with major changes in Jenkins.

As the maintainer of the Simple Theme Plugin, I'm totally okay with
that. I only adopted the plugin with the intent to keep it alive and
"modern" ("recent" examples: Adding CasC support)

> Suggested points in the theme support policy:
> Themes are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, implicit or
> explicit. Jenkins core and other component updates may break theme
> compatibility without notice


This sounds like a reasonable baseline. My own theme (Neo2, basically
only created because the jenkins-contrib-themes GitHub organisation
"died" and the sole maintainer of neo & material seems to be MIA) is
currently operating in "fix if something breaks, build each commit from
master" mode, but I have started tagging and releasing irregular
versioned snapshots some time ago (yeah, without "real" changelog).

I'm not a HTML/CSS/UX wizard, so most changes are just "fixing if
anything breaks" already.

> If everyone (especially Tobias @TobiX Gruetzmacher and UX SIG folks)
> agree with these guidelines, I will proceed and submit pull requests
> to https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/managing/ and to the SimpleTheme
> Plugin. Any feedback and suggestions will be appreciated!

Sure, go ahead! I really appreciate all the UX improvements in Jenkins
core (those already merged and those still in the pipeline) and I don't
think existing themes should hamper progress in this area.

Regards, Tobias

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