Minor correction matrix auth doesn't depend on the plugin and role strategy
will no longer depend on it after
https://github.com/jenkinsci/role-strategy-plugin/pull/139 is merged
(Both have a minimum core of 2.222.x)

On Thu, 13 Aug 2020 at 21:46, Tim Jacomb <timjaco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all
> Thoughts on graduating to GA:
>    - Agent/ExtendedRead
>    - Job/ExtendedRead
>    - Overall/SystemRead
> GA would mean:
>    - Enabled by default
>    - Beta API restriction removed from Overall/SystemRead
>    - Only weekly line affected for now, wouldn't be GA in LTS until the
>    line after 2.249
> Note: enabling by default doesn't make a huge practical difference as the
> extended-read-permission plugin is depended on by role strategy and
> matrix-auth and installing that plugin enabled the permission, which means
> that any updated instance has had this automatically enabled, as can be
> seen in this graph <https://plugins.jenkins.io/extended-read-permission/>:
> [image: image.png]
> Background:
> Job/ExtendedRead was introduced into Jenkins in 2009
> <http://jenkins-ci.361315.n4.nabble.com/Allowing-read-only-access-to-config-xml-td393245.html>,
> and has seen many plugins adopt it over the years, but was disabled by
> default to gather feedback and because of a concern over the permissions
> matrix getting too wide.
> Agent/ExtendedRead was introduced in 2013
> <https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/commit/5db147e85802c75bac19320383dcaeed88bc77ba>,
> but didn't see much adoption as it was only added for the REST API in core,
> undocumented and the extended-read-permission plugin didn't enable it like
> it did for jobs. This was fixed in 2.238
> <https://www.jenkins.io/changelog/#v2.238>, with access being extended to
> all agent views.
> Overall/SystemRead was introduced in 2.222
> <https://www.jenkins.io/changelog-old/#v2.222> as part of JEP-224
> <https://www.jenkins.io/jep/224>, it added onto the initial
> Job/ExtendedRead by extending the jelly controls to have a read only
> appearance, replacing text boxes with text, and disabling controls like
> radio buttons and checkboxes. Initially it was just used on the System
> configuration page, but many patches
> <https://github.com/orgs/jenkinsci/projects/4> were landed up till 2.239
> <https://www.jenkins.io/changelog/#v2.239> to cover most of Jenkins core.
> Additionally Cloud Stats, JCasC, Simple Disk Usage, Matrix Auth and Role
> Strategy plugins have been updated.
> I've created draft PRs for updating the status of the JEP
> <https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/pull/297> and Jenkins core
> <https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/4909>pending feedback.
> Thoughts +1, -1, ±0?
> Thanks
> Tim

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