
You question is best addressed to jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com.
jenkinsci-issues@ is used for automated JIRA messages.

That said I've answered your question below etc. and posted to -users for others to comment as appropriate.

On 20/03/2012 11:39, Programie wrote:

I'm using Jenkins with the Maven plugin. Jenkins is running in a Tomcat

Tomcat is running using the wwwjenkins user. However the home directory of
this user does not exist. The administrators of the server said me, they set
it to an invalid directory to have an unique directory for each application.
That may makes sense because multiple applications can run in the same user

The problem: Maven tries to create the .m2 directory in the not existing
home directory of the wwwjenkins user. How can I change the path used by
Maven for the .m2 directory? I want to move it to JENKINS_HOME.

If you navigate to the "Manage Jenkins" page you can set the location of the .m2 directory in the "Maven Project Configuration" section.


You can set it to be "Local to executor" or "Local to workspace". I suspect that you want "Local to workspace".



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