You may want to first explore the user interface and the available plugins 
before worrying about XML files and internal details.

We build a family of SharePoint products with Jenkins, including Debug build, 
Release build, automated test with virtual machine revert, and more.  Jenkins 
is quite capable of handling those things and will handle them without making 
you edit XML files (or even think about XML files).  The Jenkins user interface 
and the Jenkins plugins were key reasons we switched from CruiseControl to 

As Alex said, choose the SCM plugin to match your source control.  If you're 
using Subversion, configure Subversion as your SCM system.  If you need to push 
changes from a Jenkins build back, review the plugins which do that and choose 
the one that meets your need.  Source code plugins are independent of the 
source files stored in them, if the Subversion publisher plugin works for one 
file, it will likely work for another.

Choose the build plugin to match your preferred build tool (we use MSBuild, 
other jobs use ant), or use a Windows batch command to run your build.

There is not a Jenkins book specific to Windows or .NET.

The web user interface doesn't offer a way to change the order of build steps.  
A key reason for that is you really want your build order controlled by 
something that is in version control, called by a single top level invocation 
from the Jenkins server.  If you are needing to reorder build steps, you 
probably want to reconsider how you're building.  Create a wrapper script in 
your source control which is then called by a single Jenkins build step.  When 
you need to change build order, you then make the change in the wrapper script 
in your favorite editor, verify it works on your local machine, submit it to 
source control, and Jenkins will execute your newly modified build script.

Mark Waite

> From: Alex Earl <>
>To: louwho <>; "" 
>Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 8:10 AM
>Subject: RE: New guy questions
>You can setup your builds to do SCM polling, which will, on a schedule you 
>determine go look to see if there are changes in the SCM. If there are no 
>changes, it won't build the project, if there are changes it will update the 
>local copy and execute the build steps. You need to install a plugin for the 
>SCM you are using for this to work, the wiki page for that plugin will have 
>information on configuring it. For .NET builds you have a couple options: 1) 
>install and use the msbuild plugin which adds a build step type that you can 
>configure in your job to execute msbuild, 2) use the windows batch build step 
>to launch msbuild or devenv yourself. I recommend option 1. Information in 
>setting up the msbuild plugin fan be found on its wiki page.
>Sent from my Windows Phone
>From: louwho
>Sent: 6/6/2012 7:05 AM
>Cc: louwho
>Subject: Re: New guy questions
>I appreciate that I am getting responses to my posting...but I am not getting 
>answers.  Are there libraries somewhere with config.xml files that are 
>specific to .Net builds that I can look at?  I have been searching for 
>Jenkins, should I be searching for Hudson examples also?  If the build 
>determines that there are no changes, and thus there is no reason to execute 
>the remaining windows batch to do this?  I am not asking anyone to 
>do my work, but I am looking to be pointed in the right direction.  Is there a 
>Jenkins book that is specific to Windows\.net?
>On Tuesday, June 5, 2012 9:33:08 PM UTC-4, slide wrote:
>I'll put it this way, anything you can do from the command line you can do in 
>Jenkins. There are plenty of wiki pages that you can use as reference
>>Sent from my Windows Phone
>> From: louwho
>>Sent: 6/5/2012 5:46 PM
>>Subject: Re: New guy questions
>>How do you move steps around, edit a config file, which one?  Are there any 
>>examples of a devenv project?  Is the book "Jenkins, the definitive guide" of 
>>much use to a windows programmer, as things like GIt, MARVIN, etc, will not 
>>be used?.  Is there a Windows book?  How to put "if" statements in, like 
>>"don't do the batch cmd steps if there are no changes"?  How to set up SMTP 
>>email, the example in the book (page 79), does not seem to work (using our 
>>smtp email account).
>>On Monday, June 4, 2012 8:11:03 PM UTC-4, louwho wrote: 
>>New to CI.  Tried, very hard to figure everything out.  Is 
>>there a file behind the scenes in Jenkins, like the ccnet.config file in 
>>CCnet?  I am using this as a service on Windows. We have and C++ 
>>projects.  I can use MSBuild for the VB stuff, but msbuild does not work well 
>>for c++ (Visual Studio 2008), can you use devenv in Jenkins (or what)?
>>>Can you point me to any related windows examples?
>>>I have the VB build working in Jenkins, now trying to get the binaries into 
>>>SVN.  Is SVN Publisher only for Java projects,if not any examples how to 
>>>do?  Is a windows cmd file the way to go using "SVN commit"? If you create 
>>>steps in the wrong order, how to get them in correct order, (delete and 
>>>re-create, or edit the behind the scenes file (if there is one))?  If you 
>>>have spaces in the paths like "Program files", do you have to use quotes 
>>>(URLs and paths)?
>>On Monday, June 4, 2012 8:11:03 PM UTC-4, louwho wrote: 
>>New to CI.  Tried, very hard to figure everything out.  Is 
>>there a file behind the scenes in Jenkins, like the ccnet.config file in 
>>CCnet?  I am using this as a service on Windows. We have and C++ 
>>projects.  I can use MSBuild for the VB stuff, but msbuild does not work well 
>>for c++ (Visual Studio 2008), can you use devenv in Jenkins (or what)?
>>>Can you point me to any related windows examples?
>>>I have the VB build working in Jenkins, now trying to get the binaries into 
>>>SVN.  Is SVN Publisher only for Java projects,if not any examples how to 
>>>do?  Is a windows cmd file the way to go using "SVN commit"? If you create 
>>>steps in the wrong order, how to get them in correct order, (delete and 
>>>re-create, or edit the behind the scenes file (if there is one))?  If you 
>>>have spaces in the paths like "Program files", do you have to use quotes 
>>>(URLs and paths)?
>>On Monday, June 4, 2012 8:11:03 PM UTC-4, louwho wrote: 
>>New to CI.  Tried, very hard to figure everything out.  Is 
>>there a file behind the scenes in Jenkins, like the ccnet.config file in 
>>CCnet?  I am using this as a service on Windows. We have and C++ 
>>projects.  I can use MSBuild for the VB stuff, but msbuild does not work well 
>>for c++ (Visual Studio 2008), can you use devenv in Jenkins (or what)?
>>>Can you point me to any related windows examples?
>>>I have the VB build working in Jenkins, now trying to get the binaries into 
>>>SVN.  Is SVN Publisher only for Java projects,if not any examples how to 
>>>do?  Is a windows cmd file the way to go using "SVN commit"? If you create 
>>>steps in the wrong order, how to get them in correct order, (delete and 
>>>re-create, or edit the behind the scenes file (if there is one))?  If you 
>>>have spaces in the paths like "Program files", do you have to use quotes 
>>>(URLs and paths)?

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