Usually when I see that error it is because the ant task which was trying to 
execute the program did not have the attribute "fork" set to the value "true".  
The default value for the fork attribute on that ant task is probably to not 
fork a new process when trying to run a job. includes an 
example (in the junit task) which sets fork="no" explicitly.  You need to 
identify the task in your ant script that is starting the selenium server and 
put fork="yes" in that task.

Mark Waite

> From: Suresh Reddy <>
>Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 3:07 AM
>Subject: Cannot execute a jar in non-forked mode. Please set fork='true'.
>Hi there when I try to start a selenium server through jenkins ith throwing an 
>Cannot execute a jar in non-forked mode. Please set fork='true'. 
>What does that mean and how can i fix it?Please let me know?

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