
Don't know Gradle well at all, but I'm even surprised it can be used with
the Jenkins maven plugin...

Anyway, in the Maven world, what you ask is not recommended (even the

The normal practice would be to push ("deploy" in maven terms) your
artifacts onto a central and local repository manager for your company (say
archiva, artifactory, nexus...). Using the artifacts in the .m2 directory
should never be done, it was not designed to be accessed concurrently
(though I remind I'm speaking about Maven. So as you say you're using
Gradle, it migh actually not be an issue in your very case).


2012/10/2 jserup <johs.se...@gmail.com>

> We have a bunch of gradle jobs that are build with the maven plugin meaning
> that the build artifacts gets deployed to the local .m2 repo. On Jenkins we
> have added 4 slaves each with its own .m2 repo.
> We have two projects A and B where B depends on A. If A gets build on
> slave2
> and B gets build on slave1 B fails since it cannot see A in its local .m2
> repo (we are still in the process of setting up deployment to a repository
> manager but need our builds to work until then).
> Is it possible for build jobs to consider/read across .m2 repos on all
> slaves but only deploy to its own .m2?
> Alternatively setting up a global .m2 for all slaves to use. Should be
> rather trivial but to my understanding also more risky - concurrent access
> issues?
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://jenkins.361315.n4.nabble.com/m2-repository-on-slave1-not-visible-when-building-with-slave2-tp4642005.html
> Sent from the Jenkins users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
> Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS - http://batmat.net
> Sauvez un arbre,
> Mangez un castor !
> nbsp;!

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