
I found the culprit (or may be it was made that way for a reason).

See line 
that plugin's source, it is returning true, that means it'll run only
after all the processes are done and the result is finalised. Check java
I created a small plugin (which just prints the build number of last
successful build) just to test this and yes if that method returns false,
then things are working as expected.

*When that method return true*

Publishing Javadoc
ERROR: Publisher hudson.tasks.JavadocArchiver aborted due to exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: basedir
/home/NetBeansProjects/JenkinsDemo/work/jobs/Test/workspace/* does not
Previous build = 5
Previous build = 5
Finished: FAILURE

*When that method return false*

Previous build = 5
Previous build = 5
Publishing Javadoc
ERROR: Publisher hudson.tasks.JavadocArchiver aborted due to exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: basedir
/home/NetBeansProjects/JenkinsDemo/work/jobs/Test/workspace/* does not
Finished: FAILURE

You see the line "Previous build = 5" twice because I waited for some time
(Thread.sleep(2000)) before printing the 2nd line just to see if it waits
till it finishes.


On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 9:33 AM, Vivekanand S V <svvivekan...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I saw your report, I see that u face that race condition occasionally, but
> it happens always in my case.
> Btw, someone from #jenkins IRC channel gave me a work around for me, as my
> requirement is only the HTML publisher I can directly give the slave system
> path where the reports are located. Though it solves the problem, I now
> have to navigate one level inside (normally we open the job to find the
> reports, now I have to open the job and then open the configuration to find
> the reports).
> If your use-case is something like this, then please give it a try :)
> Vivek.
> On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 3:02 AM, Owen B. Mehegan <o...@nerdnetworks.org>wrote:
>> I have noticed this too, and it causes me some headaches in my use of
>> that plugin. I filed this bug, but it has not gotten any attention:
>> https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-16818
>> Paging Romain Seguy!
>> On Sunday, August 25, 2013 11:36:40 PM UTC-7, Vivek wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am facing problem while copying files from slave to master machine.
>>> The scenario is given below
>>> I have jenkins installed (debian package) as master in Ubuntu, have 2
>>> slaves for 32/64 bit Windows 7. I run some test cases in the slave windows
>>> OS' and use copy-to-slave plugin to get back the test case results to
>>> master.
>>> This is a multi configuration job and after child jobs (1 child job each
>>> for 2 slaves) are finished I publish combined HTML reports in the parent
>>> job.
>>> Now the problem that I face here is, the child job finishes with
>>> "SUCCESS" without waiting for the copy-to-plugin post build action to
>>> finish. So the HTML Publisher in the parent job fails as the files are not
>>> yet copied to the master.
>>> *Note 1* : - Though the child job finishes, the copy-to-slave plugin
>>> continues to work and files are successfully copied to the master.
>>> *Note 2* : - The child job finishes before the post build action only
>>> for copy-to-plugin, it waits till the post build actions are finished for
>>> other plugins.
>>> Version details :
>>> Jenkins version - 1.523
>>> Master OS - Ubuntu 12.04
>>> Slave OS' - Windows 7 32 & 64 bit
>>> Copy To Slave Plugin - 1.4
>>> Have any one faced this kind of issue ? Any inputs/suggestions for
>>> rectifying this behaviour ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vivek.
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