
I have a rails app with two rake tasks, one that runs integration specs and 
the other runs unit tests. These two sets of specs do not do well in the 
same thread so they are separate tasks. Unfortunately, when there are 
failures in the first task (integration), the entire jenkins build 

More details:
Integration - build step 1: (Execute shell)

CONFIGURATION_CLIENT_URL=http://localhost:3161 /bin/bash -ex 

Unit Tests - build step 2: (Execute shell)

CONFIGURATION_CLIENT_URL=http://localhost:3161 /bin/bash -ex 


Shell scripts:

export CI_BUILD=true

# Setup Gems
bundle install --path vendor

# Specs
RACK_ENV=test COVERAGE=true bundle exec rake spec:integration


export CI_BUILD=true

# Specs
RACK_ENV=test COVERAGE=true bundle exec rake spec:app


Here's what appears in the output log at the end of the integration test 


  1) BRMService Process Definition Happy Path fails for testing purposes
     Failure/Error: fail
     # ./spec/integration/process_spec.rb:178:in `block (3 levels) in <top 

Finished in 5 minutes 15.26 seconds
86 examples, 1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/integration/process_spec.rb:177 # BRMService Process Definition 
Happy Path fails for testing purposes
Coverage report generated for RSpec to 
/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/brm-service/workspace/coverage. 604 / 863 LOC (69.99%) 
Coverage report Rcov style generated for RSpec to 

Then the unit tests run successfully and the entire build is reported 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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