
I'm using build-name-setter plugin with the following settings for Build 
name macro template

v${BUILD_LOG_REGEX, regex="(.*)Current build number: 
([0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]+)(.*)", maxMatches=1, showTruncatedLines=false, 
substText="$2", addNewline=false}.b${BUILD_NUMBER}_${GIT_REVISION, length=8}

12:54:17 Evaluated macro: 'v1.2.06.b14_4fd204ef'
12:54:17 Setting build name to 'v1.2.06.b14_4fd204ef'

All works fine and my job name is set to v1.2.06.b14_4fd204ef. But I need 
to get access to this value in a shell script (maybe via variable). Is it 
possible? if it's not - maybe some workaround?

I have tried

echo "BUILD_ID - ${BUILD_ID}"
echo "JOB_NAME - ${JOB_NAME}"

but non of them fit my requirements

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