The error just tells you that you can't define stages within parallel, as 
there's no visualization for it -- it's strictly sequential. So remove the 
'stage' statements from build() and it should be fine.

> On 04.08.2016, at 15:39, Roberto Aguilar <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a Jenkins master (x86_64 linux) and a slave (armv7l linux).  I have 
> labeled them "x86_64" and "arm" respectively.  I have a Pipeline build 
> triggering on Git push, and I would like the Jenkinsfile in the repo to build 
> on both machines.  I'm having trouble setting up my Jenkinsfile to do this.  
> My attempt errors out with the message:
> ```
> ERROR: The ?stage? step must not be used inside a ?parallel? block.
> ```
> The goal here is to:
> - build two docker images; one for arm and x86_64
> - keep from duplicating the build stages in two `node {}` definitions, hence 
> attempting to call the build() in each node
> - run the builds in parallel rather than having to wait for one to complete 
> before starting the other
> Any pointers on getting this to work.
> Thank you.
> My Jenkinsfile:
> ```
> def build() {
>    stage 'repository'
>    checkout scm
>    stage 'vars'
>    def git_tag = sh(returnStdout: true, script: '''git describe --tags || 
> exit 0''')
>    def arch = sh(returnStdout: true, script: '''uname -m''')
>    stage 'Docker'
>    def docker_base="${env.gitlabSourceNamespace}/${env.gitlabSourceRepoName}"
>    def git_branch = env.gitlabTargetBranch.split('/').last()
>    def docker_tag = "${docker_base}:${git_branch}-${arch}"
>    docker.withRegistry('', 
> 'gitlab-docker-registry') {
>      def docker_image =, '.')
>      docker_image.push()
>    }
> }
> parallel (
>   'arm': {
>     node('arm') {
>       build()
>     }
>   },
>   'x86_64': {
>     node('linux') {
>       build()
>     }
>   }
> )
> ```
> -- 
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