IIUC this is not a Jenkins issue but a Docker one. You should apparently
look at volumes (create a named volume and share it between containers,
don't use bind mounts/the host fs directly).

Also, don't know mongo, but are you really directly accessing the db data?!
Shouldn't you through a socket or so? Then it's not even volume you want
but network.


Le 24 nov. 2016 2:57 PM, "'Peter Teichner' via Jenkins Users" <
jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com> a écrit :


Thanks for coming back to me: My difficulty comes from the complexity of
the different software components.

So for example I have the application container that needs to talk to the
mongo container. And the reason I used bind mount is so the maven image can
resolve the application by it's host name. So in my maven container I bind
mount my cucumber folder and the configuration for the host names are
readily fixed to abc-host or abc-mongo-host for the cucumber execution.

I'm already running a jenkins agent on the docker host but when I try to do
the bind mount inside of the jenkins agent I have permission problems. I
get the feeling that I might be doing unstandard things but I'm not too
sure what would be the correct way...

On Wednesday, 23 November 2016 21:19:03 UTC, Baptiste Mathus wrote:

> Ah bind-mounts... FWIW, as a general rule, bind-mounts should be avoided
> as much as possible, though using them especially for local dev & CI usage
> is indeed a pretty common hack (or for special things like TZ configuration
> where you mount the host file [in ro]).
> Depending on how you're using your thing, you can choose different paths.
> Either run an agent on that docker host, probably the simplest.
> Or, you redesign your image to not require bind mounts. Like, for example,
> you create an image from maven:3.3.9-jdk-8 that's able to Git clone &
> execute the command you need directly (or you pass it as an argument,
> anyway).
> 2016-11-21 11:25 GMT+01:00 'Peter Teichner' via Jenkins Users <
> jenkins...@googlegroups.com>:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm slightly unsure whether the topic is more suitable here or on Docker
>> forums - anyway I decided to post it here.
>> I have a pipeline whereby I have a job to build my Docker images using
>> the Docker cloud plugin ( building 2-3 images at a time, application, db,
>> proxy)
>> In a separate job I used to run docker-compose which would start my
>> containers and a separate container to run the test. In this setup I had my
>> Jenkins master and Docker engine co-located on 1 server.
>> version: '2'
>> services:
>>   abc:
>>     image: abc
>>     hostname: abc
>>     links:
>>      - abc-mongo
>>   abc-mongo:
>>     image: abc-mongo
>>     hostname: abc-mongo
>>   tester:
>>     image: maven:3.3.9-jdk-8
>>     hostname: tester
>>     links:
>>      - abc
>>     command: mvn -q  -f /cucumber/pom.xml clean integration-test
>>     volumes:
>>      - /${PWD}/cucumber:/cucumber
>> Following some consideration I've decided to move Docker to a different
>> machine and now I've got this problem where mount the cucumber folder is
>> impossible as the machine is not the same.
>> Any suggestion on this in terms of best practices and solution? Thanks
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