Just completing the loop in case anyone else is looking into this. My colleague tried my solution in his instance and it didn't work.

After doing some more archeology I realized that I at one point printed out the system java.ext.dirs, which included /usr/java/packages/lib/ext. I then created that path and copied the mysql-connector-java-5.1.38.jar there. After a restart of Jenkins I could now import and use groovy.sql.Sql quite happily, not just on the master but on remote nodes.

So while this functions, it seems hard to consider this as a working production solution.


On 1/16/2017 10:47 AM, Peter McNab wrote:
Oddly enough, after sending this I found I *was* able to skip the extra wrapper and make this work.

I swear I had tried that earlier with no luck.

(As it happens, I need to use the wrapper for other purposes)


On 1/16/2017 10:44 AM, Peter McNab wrote:
On 1/12/2017 1:53 PM, Peter McNab wrote:
Has anyone got a working solution for running SQL queries from a pipeline script (specifically MySQL?)


Answering my own post...I've found a method that functions, although it's not ideal.

1) Install the "Pipeline Classpath Step Plugin

2) Make my pipeline script (from SCM) be essentially a small wrapper:
  pipelinePath = <workspacedir>
  addToClasspath pipelinePath
  node('master') {
    load "${pipelinePath}/Jenkinsfile"

3) In the Jenkinsfile, add "import groovy.sql.Sql"

4) Add this into the Jenkinsfile:
  stage ('SQL Test') {
    node('remote_node') {
def sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://DBHOST/DBSCHEMA", "DBUSER", "DBPASSWORD", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
        query = "SELECT * from myTable"
        println sql.rows(query)

5) Note that you will need to whitelist the various Sql methods you call using the script security plugin

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