(replies inline)

On Thu, 02 Feb 2017, Tor Christian Solev?gseide wrote:

> I was finally able to solve this myself. The problem was how I referenced 
> the shared library. Apparently, I need to add the underscore character to 
> the end if my @Library annotation like this:
> @Library('customized-portal-lib') _
> Also, I must make sure to not import my global *acme *variable.
> This is documented 
> in https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/shared-libraries/ for those who 
> take their time to fine read it (which I didn't at first):

FWIW, the underscore character is kind of a cute little hack. @Library is an
annotation so it must annotate *something*, annotating the underscore is kind
of like annotating a throwaway unused character. Technically you're able to
annotate other statements, as the section in the handbook describes

- R. Tyler Croy

     Code: <https://github.com/rtyler>
  Chatter: <https://twitter.com/agentdero>
     xmpp: rty...@jabber.org

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