I have a Jenkins server (2.87) with quite a few plugins installed. 95,
actually. I don't actually need some of them and I like to clean things
up a bit. But that doesn't seem practical.

Here's the list of installed plugins.
  Ant Plugin 1.7
  Audit Trail 2.2
  Authentication Tokens API Plugin 1.3
  bouncycastle API Plugin 2.16.2
  Branch API Plugin 2.0.11
  built-on-column 1.1
  Bulk Builder 1.5
  Conditional BuildStep 1.3.6
  Config File Provider Plugin 2.16.3
  Credentials Binding Plugin 1.13
  Credentials Plugin 2.1.14
  Crowd 2 Integration 1.8
  Dependency Graph Viewer Plugin 0.11
  Display URL API 2.0
  Docker Commons Plugin 1.8
  Docker Pipeline 1.12
  Durable Task Plugin 1.14
  Email Extension Plugin 2.58
  EnvInject API Plugin 1.2
  Environment Injector Plugin 2.1.3
  External Monitor Job Type Plugin 1.7
  Folders Plugin 6.1.2
  Git client plugin 2.5.0
  Git Parameter Plug-In 0.8.0
  Git plugin 3.5.1
  GIT server Plugin 1.7
  Gradle Plugin 1.27.1
  Hudson Build-Publisher plugin 1.21
  Icon Shim Plugin 2.0.3
  Jackson 2 API Plugin 2.7.3
  Javadoc Plugin 1.4
  JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin 1.1
  JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin 1.1.1
  JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin 1.2.1
  JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin 1.1.1
  jQuery plugin 1.11.2-0
  jQuery UI plugin 1.0.2
  JUnit Plugin 1.21
  JUnit Realtime Test Reporter Plugin 0.4
  LDAP Plugin 1.16
  Mailer Plugin 1.20
  MapDB API Plugin
  Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin 1.7
  Matrix Project Plugin 1.11
  Maven Integration plugin 2.17
  Multijob plugin 1.27
  Multiple SCMs plugin 0.6
  Node and Label parameter plugin 1.7.2
  OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin 1.5
  PAM Authentication plugin 1.3
  Parameterized Trigger plugin 2.35.1
  Pathignore Plugin 0.6
  Pipeline 2.5
  Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin 1.5
  Pipeline: API 2.20
  Pipeline: Basic Steps 2.6
  Pipeline: Build Step 2.5.1
  Pipeline: Declarative 1.1.9
  Pipeline: Declarative Agent API 1.1.1
  Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API 1.1.9
  Pipeline: Groovy 2.39
  Pipeline: Input Step 2.8
  Pipeline: Job 2.14.1
  Pipeline: Milestone Step 1.3.1
  Pipeline: Model API 1.1.9
  Pipeline: Multibranch 2.16
  Pipeline: Nodes and Processes 2.14
  Pipeline: REST API Plugin 2.8
  Pipeline: SCM Step 2.6
  Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries 2.8
  Pipeline: Stage Step 2.2
  Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata 1.1.9
  Pipeline: Stage View Plugin 2.8
  Pipeline: Step API 2.12
  Pipeline: Supporting APIs 2.14
  Plain Credentials Plugin 1.4
  promoted builds plugin 2.29
  ruby-runtime 0.12
  Run Condition Plugin 1.0
  Schedule Build Plugin 0.4.0
  SCM API Plugin 2.2.1
  SCM Sync Configuration Plugin 0.0.10
  Script Security Plugin 1.33
  SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins 2.6.1
  SSH Agent Plugin 1.15
  SSH Credentials Plugin 1.13
  SSH Slaves plugin 1.21
  Structs Plugin 1.10
  Subversion Plug-in 2.9
  TextFinder plugin 1.10
  Token Macro Plugin 2.2
  Translation Assistance plugin 1.15
  Version Number Plug-In 1.8.1
  Windows Slaves Plugin 1.3.1
  xUnit plugin 1.102

Taking one example, I'd like to delete the Docker Commons Plugin. But I
can't because Docker Pipeline depends on it. But I can't delete Docker
Pipeline because Pipeline: Model Definition depends on it. The
dependency chain seems to go on to the point where I'd need to delete
nearly all the plugins before I could delete this one. I've taken the
time to work out all the dependencies that Jenkins claims are present
and the result, as a Graphviz dot file, is attached.

I know that the dependencies are broken because I have another Jenkins
instance with nearly all the same plugins but without Docker Commons
Plugin. Is there any way to clean up this situation?
Dave Close

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