*I have a RELEASE pipeline which triggers a parameterized job: TEST (which 
can be triggered standalone too). If the TEST job fails I can rerun it 
rather than triggering the complete RELEASE job. Is there a way I can list 
the rerun of the TEST job to the upstream release job? So that the 
triggered jobs list on upstream job is also populated with the URL of rerun 
downstream job?*

stages {
    stage('RELEASE') {
        failFast false
        parallel {
            stage("Project A") {
                    stage("Build") {
                        steps {
                            //steps to build project A
                    stage("invoke Test") {
                            build job: "TEST", parameters: [
                                    string(name: 'PROJECT_NAME', value:"project 
                    stage("Release") {
                        steps {
                            //steps to build project A
            stage("Project B") {
                    stage("Build") {
                        steps {
                            //steps to build project B
                    stage("invoke Test") {
                            build job: "TEST", parameters: [
                                    string(name: 'PROJECT_NAME', value:"project 
                    stage("Release") {
                        steps {
                            //steps to build project B

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