(replies inline)

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018, gotviser...@gmail.com wrote:

> I'm looking to generate a report, as a job, which will provide the global 
> metrics of my Jenkins instance.  I need details in the report like (1) How 
> many jobs ran? (2) # of failed and successful jobs and every possible 
> metrics possible in one report.  I need to send this report every week to 
> my management, so would like to know if it's possible to schedule a job to 
> run this report every Friday and send the metrics by email to my managers?  
> I found these two plugins - '*Global Build Status*' and '*Build Metrics*'.  
> But not able to use these as part of a job, download the report or email a 
> link to the report or nothing of that sort.  Please help.

I personally use Datadog and their plugin integration to get such metrics out
of our Jenkins instances. You can certainly script such metrics gathering in
Jenkins, but there's nothing ready-made out of the box.


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