Hi Jenkins users,

Me and a colleague are trying to make our Jenkins infrastructure nice and 
config-as-code-y and reproducible, and it works nicely except that we 
haven't yet found a good way to store and obfuscate credentials.

Here's what we're currently doing:

1.  Store all initial config using the Configuration-as-Code plugin 
2. Store credentials in AWS SSM Parameter Store using the CasC SSM plugin, 
loading them using an instance profile 
3. Load all jobs from seed job DSL on first boot

That way, it's easy to replace the Jenkins host for patching, and doing 
that on a regular basis makes sure that all CI jobs and config go through a 
pull request process by cleaning house on a regular basis :)

The problem with this is that AWS Parameter Store only supports storing 
string type parameters, and I can't find a smart way to turn SSM strings 
into files or other credential objects in the configuration as code plugin. 
In theory storing SSH keys/Ansible vault passphrases and similar as strings 
should be OK, as you could just write the secure string into a file in a 
shell step in a job. But in reality, while the logic that redacts 
credentials works nicely for short strings, it seems to be happy to print 
the value of the key out when I do `echo $SSH_KEY > file.txt`.

Does anyone know how that redaction gets evaluated? It says in the log "Masking 
only exact matches of $SECRET or $SSH_KEY". My guess is that line 
breaks/text wrapping is throwing it off. Which is fair enough, since 
there's a perfectly good SSH credential type!

If anyone has ideas about  

- a way to make sure the long secret text value gets redacted
- a way to manage to load AWS SSM Parameter Store SecureStrings as 
something other than text type Jenkins credentials
- or another credential that integrates with the Config-as-Code plugin

I'd appreciate it.

Thanks for reading - have a good weekend!


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